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Easy How to Guide: Certificate of Eligibility (COE) for VA Loans

Certificate of Eligibility (COE) for VA Home Loans

The Certificate of Eligibility (COE) is a pivotal document for veterans, service members, and surviving spouses who aspire to take advantage of a VA-backed home loan or Native American Direct Loan. It signifies a key milestone in the journey towards homeownership, affirming that an individual has met the military service criteria necessary to be considered for a VA home loan. This certification is instrumental in unlocking the door to a suite of benefits that make home-buying more accessible and affordable. 

Certificate of Eligibility (COE) for VA Home Loans

Among these benefits are the possibilities of no down payment and exemption from private mortgage insurance, which can significantly lower the financial barriers to home ownership. The COE, therefore, is not just a piece of paper; it is the first step towards securing a future home through the supportive framework of VA-backed financing options, highlighting its critical role in the VA home loan process.

Eligibility Criteria

The VA home loan program is designed to honor the service of American veterans and certain military community members by assisting them in the home-buying process. The eligibility criteria for obtaining a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) are tailored to recognize the contributions of various groups, including Veterans, active Service members, National Guard members, Reserve members, and surviving spouses. Here is an outline of the eligibility requirements and necessary documentation for each category:

  • Veterans: Must provide a DD Form 214, indicating the discharge type and service period. This document is crucial as it verifies the veteran’s service history and eligibility status.
  • Active Service Members: Required to submit a current statement of service signed by, or by the direction of, the adjutant, personnel officer, or commander of their unit or higher headquarters. This statement must include the service member’s full name, Social Security Number, date of birth, entry date on active duty, duration of any lost time, and the command providing the information.
  • National Guard and Reserve Members: These individuals may need to provide a statement of service similar to active service members or additional documentation, depending on their service and status. This could include points statements or discharge paperwork reflecting their service period and duty status.
  • Surviving Spouses: The documentation required for surviving spouses depends on whether the service member died in service or from a service-connected disability. Surviving spouses of veterans who died in service must submit a DD Form 1300 (Report of Casualty) along with their application, while those of veterans who died from a service-connected disability should provide a copy of the veteran’s DD Form 214, a marriage certificate, and the veteran’s death certificate to establish their eligibility.

Understanding and gathering the necessary documentation is critical for applicants to ensure a smooth and efficient COE request process. This preparation underlines the importance of each eligible category in accessing the benefits offered by the VA home loan program, paving the way for a successful home purchase or refinance.

Steps to Prepare for a COE Request

Before embarking on the COE request process, it is crucial to gather all necessary documents to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted application. This preparatory step must be balanced, as it directly impacts the efficiency and speed of obtaining your Certificate of Eligibility. Start by identifying the specific category you belong to, whether you’re a veteran, an active service member, a National Guard or Reserve member, or a surviving spouse. 

Once your category is clear, compile the relevant documentation substantiating your eligibility. This includes service records like DD Form 214 for veterans, statements of service for active members, and appropriate identification and relationship documents for surviving spouses. Ensuring that these documents are accurate, up-to-date, and readily available. 

It expedites the COE request process and minimizes the likelihood of delays due to requests for additional information or corrections. Preparing thoroughly before initiating your COE request underscores a proactive approach to effectively navigating the VA home loan process.

How to Request a COE

Requesting a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) can be accomplished through several avenues, each designed to accommodate the applicant’s preferences and access to resources. Here are the primary methods for requesting a COE, along with the specific information and forms needed for each:

  • Online: The fastest way to request a COE is through the VA’s eBenefits portal. Applicants must create an account or log in to their existing account and navigate to the VA home loan section. The online system will guide you through the submission process, which requires basic personal information and, in some cases, uploading necessary documents, such as a DD Form 214 for veterans.
  • Through Lenders: Many lenders authorized to offer VA home loans can also request a COE on your behalf. This method can streamline the home loan application process, integrating the COE request with the loan application. Depending on your specific eligibility category, you’ll need to provide your lender with the same documentation required for an online or mail request.
  • By Mail: For those who prefer or require a paper process, a COE can be requested by mailing a completed VA Form 26-1880 (Request for Certificate of Eligibility) to the appropriate VA Eligibility Center. This form requires personal information and details about your service and may require additional supporting documents depending on your category. Mailing your request is typically slower than online submissions, so accounting for processing and mail transit times is essential.

Regardless of the chosen method, ensuring that all information provided is accurate and all required documentation is included is crucial for a seamless process. The VA has made efforts to simplify and expedite the COE request process, offering multiple avenues to accommodate different needs and preferences among applicants. 

By carefully preparing and selecting the most convenient request method, applicants can take a significant step forward in the journey toward securing a VA-backed home loan.

After Requesting a COE

Once you have submitted your request for a Certificate of Eligibility (COE), the VA begins verifying your eligibility based on the documents and information provided. The time frame for receiving your COE can vary depending on the method of request. 

For those with clear, electronic service records, online requests through the eBenefits portal are processed more quickly, often instantly. Requests through lenders or mail may take longer, especially if additional information or documentation is required.

To check the status of your COE request, you can:

  • Log in to your eBenefits account: If you submitted your request online, you could quickly check the status by accessing your account. The VA updates the status of your request in real-time.
  • Contact your lender: If you’ve applied through a lender, they will receive updates on the COE request and can inform you of its status.
  • Call the VA: For requests submitted by mail or for those who prefer direct communication, calling the VA’s toll-free number can provide updates on your COE request.

The VA is committed to processing COE requests as efficiently as possible. However, following up if you have yet to receive your COE or an update within a reasonable timeframe is essential.

Next Steps After Receiving a COE

Receiving your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) is a significant milestone in the VA home loan process, but it’s just the beginning of your home-buying journey. Here are the next steps you should take after receiving your COE:

  • Loan Pre-Approval: With your COE in hand, the next step is to seek pre-approval for a loan from a VA-approved lender. This involves a more in-depth review of your finances, including credit score, income, and debt, to determine how much you can borrow.
  • Find a Real Estate Agent: Consider working with a real estate agent familiar with the VA loan process. They can help you find properties that meet your needs and VA loan requirements.
  • Home Search and Offer: Begin your search for the perfect home. Once you find it, your real estate agent will help you make an offer and negotiate terms.
  • Loan Application: After accepting your offer, you’ll complete a full loan application with your lender. This process includes providing more detailed financial information and documentation.
  • VA Appraisal: A VA appraisal is mandatory to ensure the property meets the VA’s minimum property requirements and to assess its value. The assessment must be conducted by a VA-certified appraiser assigned by the VA.
  • Loan Closing: You’ll close your loan once the appraisal is complete and all lender requirements are met. This process includes signing all necessary paperwork, paying closing costs, and officially owning your new home.

After receiving your COE, each step brings you closer to homeownership. The VA home loan process is designed to assist veterans and service members purchase safe, structurally sound homes and a suitable investment. By carefully navigating each phase and working with experienced professionals, you can make the most of the benefits offered by the VA home loan program.

Additional Resources and Assistance

Navigating the VA home loan process can seem daunting, but a wealth of resources and assistance is available to guide veterans, service members, and surviving spouses through each step. Here’s where you can find more help and answers to your questions:

VA Regional Loan Centers

The VA operates regional loan centers nationwide, offering advice and assistance on the VA home loan process. These centers have experts to answer specific questions, guide you on loan eligibility, and help with loan applications.

eBenefits Portal

The eBenefits portal is a comprehensive resource for managing your VA benefits, including home loans. It allows you to request a COE, access detailed information on VA benefits, and track your loan application process.

VA-Approved Lenders

VA-approved lenders have in-depth knowledge of the VA home loan process and can offer personalized assistance. They can help you obtain a COE, pre-approval for a loan, and navigate the application process to closing.

Veterans Service Organizations (VSOs)

Many VSOs offer assistance with VA loans and other benefits. They can clarify eligibility, document preparation, and advocacy with the VA, making them a valuable resource in your home-buying journey.

VA Home Loan Website

The official VA website is a treasure trove of information on the home loan benefit. It includes guides on how to apply for a COE, details on different loan types, and FAQs to address common questions and concerns.


The Certificate of Eligibility (COE) plays a fundamental role in the VA home loan process. It is the key to unlocking the benefits designed to honor the service of veterans, service members, and their families. It signifies eligibility and the opportunity to achieve homeownership under favorable conditions. The path to obtaining a COE, armed with the correct information and resources, is the first step toward leveraging the no down payment and no private mortgage insurance benefits of VA home loans.

Eligible individuals are strongly encouraged to pursue their COE, utilizing the available resources to navigate the process efficiently. The VA home loan program facilitates a more accessible path to homeownership, acknowledging the sacrifices made by those who have served. With diligent preparation and the support of specialized resources, obtaining your COE is an achievable first step towards realizing the dream of homeownership.


Picture of Reed Letson

Reed Letson

Reed offers two decades of expertise as a mortgage broker, focusing on veterans and first-time home buyers. With a strong grasp of real estate and mortgage markets, he empowers clients with practical insights. Reed's passion is guiding clients to build wealth through real estate investments and financing solutions.

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