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What You Need to Know About Seller and Realtor Concessions

The Landscape of Seller and Realtor Concessions (IPCs) in Real Estate

In the complex world of real estate transactions, Interested Party Contributions (IPCs), commonly known as seller or realtor concessions, play a crucial role in facilitating the buying process. These financial contributions or concessions can significantly impact the affordability and accessibility of property purchases for buyers by assisting with closing costs and other transaction-related expenses. 

This overview explores the essence of IPCs, outlining their importance and how they function within the framework of real estate transactions.

Understanding IPCs

Interested Party Contributions, or IPCs, refer to the payments made by the seller, realtor, builder, developer, or any other party with a financial interest in selling a property, directly or indirectly, towards the buyer’s closing costs. These contributions can vary significantly in nature and scope, encompassing everything from direct financial assistance to the buyer to indirect payments made through third-party organizations. 

IPCs are categorized into two primary types: financing concessions and sales concessions, each with specific guidelines and limitations set forth by governing bodies like Fannie Mae.

Understanding Interested Party Contributions in VA Loans

VA loans are backed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and are designed to help those who have served our country buy homes without needing a down payment or private mortgage insurance (PMI), among other benefits.

One of the critical features of VA loans is the specific guidelines related to Interested Party Contributions (IPCs). IPCs are seller concessions or contributions that can be used to pay for closing costs, prepaid, and points to lower mortgage interest rates, among other things. For VA loans, the rules surrounding IPCs are tailored to benefit the borrower while ensuring the loan’s integrity and the property’s value are not compromised.

The VA allows for IPCs up to 4% of the home’s sale price. This percentage can cover a variety of costs, such as:

  • Payment of the buyer’s VA funding fee
  • Prepayment of the buyer’s property taxes and insurance
  • Gifts such as appliances or other services related to the home purchase

It’s important to note that the 4% cap on IPCs does not include payment of the buyer’s closing costs, which are separate from the IPCs and can also be paid by the seller. This makes VA loans particularly attractive, as combining these provisions can significantly reduce the cash a buyer needs to bring to closing.

The VA’s approach to IPCs ensures that veterans and active service members can more easily afford homeownership, recognizing their service and sacrifice. By allowing up to 4% in contributions plus the ability to cover closing costs, the VA loan program helps to lower the barrier to entry for home buying, making it a more attainable goal for many in the military community.

Understanding the specifics of IPCs in VA loans is crucial for veterans and service members navigating the home buying process. It allows them to maximize their benefits and make informed decisions that align with their financial and housing needs.

Permissible Uses of IPCs

Interested Party Contributions, while versatile, are subject to strict guidelines regarding their application. Primarily, IPCs can be directed towards covering various buyer-associated costs, thereby reducing the financial burden on the buyer at the time of purchase. These costs include but are not limited to loan closing expenses such as title fees, escrow charges, and appraisal fees. 

Additionally, IPCs can also cover items that the lender requires the buyer to prepay, like property taxes and homeowner’s insurance, as well as loan origination points, discount points, and up to 12 months of homeowners association (HOA) dues. However, it’s important to note that lenders prohibit using IPCs for down payments, financial reserves, or meeting minimum borrower contribution requirements. This ensures that the buyer has a personal stake in the property and helps maintain the integrity of the financial transaction.

Risks and Prohibitions

While IPCs offer significant advantages, they come with risks, especially when not correctly disclosed. Undisclosed IPCs, such as “silent” second mortgages provided by the seller or other non-transparent incentives, are strictly prohibited and render the mortgage ineligible for delivery to Fannie Mae. 

Such actions not only compromise the legality of the transaction but can also result in severe penalties for all parties involved. The emphasis on transparency and full disclosure ensures that all financial contributions are accounted for in the transaction, preventing any potential inflation of the property’s price beyond its actual market value.

Strategies for Utilizing Excess IPCs

Exceeding IPC limits might seem like a fortunate dilemma, but it requires strategic planning to ensure that excess contributions are well-spent. One effective strategy is negotiating a lower interest rate by applying the excess seller concessions towards higher discounts and origination charges. This utilizes the available funds efficiently and results in long-term savings for the buyer. 

Alternatively, buyers can request the seller to reduce the home’s purchase price instead of a more significant credit, aligning the transaction closer to the property’s appraised value and ensuring compliance with IPC limits. Creative and compliant application of excess IPCs can significantly benefit the buyer, reducing upfront costs and potentially improving loan terms.

Through careful navigation and adherence to established guidelines, IPCs are a powerful tool in real estate transactions, enabling buyers to mitigate some financial barriers to homeownership. Understanding the permissible uses, risks, and strategies for optimizing IPCs is crucial for buyers and sellers to make informed decisions and ensure a smooth and compliant transaction process.

The Bottom Line

The strategic use of IPCs is a testament to the complexity and nuance of real estate transactions. Buyers, sellers, and real estate professionals must collaborate closely, armed with comprehensive knowledge and an understanding of the regulations governing these contributions. By doing so, they can navigate the landscape of seller and realtor concessions to the benefit of all parties involved, promoting a healthier, more accessible, and equitable real estate market.


Picture of Reed Letson

Reed Letson

Reed offers two decades of expertise as a mortgage broker, focusing on veterans and first-time home buyers. With a strong grasp of real estate and mortgage markets, he empowers clients with practical insights. Reed's passion is guiding clients to build wealth through real estate investments and financing solutions.

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