Thank You For Booking Your Mortgage Consult

Here's What You Can Expect Next

I want to thank you for booking a call with me today. Either I or someone from my team will be joining you on that call.

During this consult, I just ask one favor of you.

Come prepared to learn about the best way to purchase a home and get affordable home financing.

If you do this, upon closing of your home, we will pay for your local moving expenses. It’s just our way of saying Thank You!

So during this call, we are going to help you set yourself up for success.

On this call, we will discuss:
Top 12 Things You Need to Know Before Starting Your Home Search
What You Will Need to Get Pre-Approved

This will take care of the first phase of the home buying process, getting Pre-approved….. But more importantly, doing it the right way!

Talk to you soon!
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